On The Day Of Admission


If you have a Pacemaker / Defibrillator, you must bring your pacemaker / defilbrillator information card with you.

– Time of admission

– Fasting information


Bring any scans or X-Rays relevant to your surgery.

Lens / Glasses

Bring your hard lens or glasses case as these will need to be removed for surgery. Soft lenses may be worn in surgery, please check with your surgeon prior to surgery.


Please confirm with your surgeon and anaesthetist regarding all medicines. They will be able to advise if it is safe to take them.


If you are diabetic, DO NOT take your insulin, diabetic tablets or oral hypoglycaemics unless otherwise instructed by your surgeon or anaesthetist. Please bring ALL medications with you to be taken after surgery, in particular insulin.


Please remove all your jewelry including earrings and wedding rings and leave all your valuables such as jewelry at home. The Hospital cannot be held responsible for the loss of such items.


Please wear loose clothing such as blouse/shirt/t-shirt or jumper/track pants and slip on shoes (no laces or long boots).


DO NOT wear make-up or perfume. Remove nail polish or fake nails. No spray tan for minimum of one week prior to surgery.

Reading material

We make every effort to ensure that you go to theatre as soon as possible after your arrival. But, occasionally, there are unexpected delays due to a patient before you requiring extra theatre time.

Directive or limiting order

If you have any advanced directive or limiting order, please supply a copy prior to your surgery to our medical team.


On Arrival


Please come to Reception where you will be welcomed and promptly checked in by our friendly admissions staff. We will settle any final paperwork if required at this time and let you know your expected length of stay and expected discharge time.

Before Surgery

Pre-operation Procedure

The Admitting Nurse will take you to the pre-operative area, where they will review your personal details, the procedure you are booked in for and your medical history.

These details will be reconfirmed with you several times before your procedure. Please understand this is our formal patient identification process to make certain that our arrangements are correct for you before you are anaesthetised.

If at this stage you need any further explanation about your surgery or procedure then the Admitting Nurse can ask for your surgeon to speak to you before you go to theatre.


Your Anaesthetist will meet you before you go to theatre to explain the anaesthetic process, answer any questions you may have and carry out a medical examination.

Operating Theatre

You will be taken into the operating theatre and introduced to the theatre staff who will be looking after you.

Again you will be asked to confirm your name. DOB and procedure you are there for. Your Anaesthetist will then put you to sleep, you will have your procedure and then wake up in the Recovery Area.

Recovery Area

As soon as you are alert and stable, we will help you to a recliner chair where our nurses will continue to care for you and you will be offered something to eat and drink.


The recovery nurse will contact your escort to collect you from the recovery area. You and your escort will then be given written and verbal discharge instructions that will include instructions regarding your post operative appointment.


1300 093 004


448 Pacific Hwy, Artarmon NSW 2064

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